Four Part Certificate Program

I am very excited to be launching this 4 part series on embodiment, sexuality and healing sexual trauma starting next March 2025. It’s happening in a really nice and affordable hotel near Chicago! Since I am now living in Europe this will likely be the only in-person US program I offer. After being SE faculty now for 20 years I will be phasing out of all US SE trainings by the end of 2025, and focusing entirely on living and teaching in Europe…. Thus this program is my final US shindig and I plan on going out with aplomb!

For those of you currently in Europe, a similar certificate program is in the development stage—most likely occurring in the Netherlands. There are a number of the modules already scheduled in 2024 and 2025 in many parts of Europe. Have a look here:

You are welcome to only take one or more modules for professional or personal growth, or if you are a professional, take all 4 and receive a “Full Embodiment Practitioner” certificate (details below). Each module has a very different focus..

The programs have a dual purpose—one is to provide practitioners with a variety of successful exercises and strategies to help the most challenging clients. And two, to support professionals in developing a deeper sense of ease, pleasure and comfort in their own bodies, while supplying confidence and education to discuss all things having to do with the body, with sexuality, sexual dysfunction, relationship challenges and sexual trauma.

The impetus behind the FE Practitioner Certificate is to have a large number of practitioners trained, comfortable with these topics, and available to work with clients. I will be featuring graduates on my website under a free practitioner registry and you will become a primary referral source. The interest in people seeking out guidance with sexuality is growing daily, and the demand for professionals trained in SE and sexuality is beyond what I can keep up with.

The certificate is only for professionals with existing somatic practices. It is not a stand-alone certificate. You must list credentials in the application. If you are already in the SE community or have an existing somatic or sexuality practice then you will most likely be approved for certification. Since Parts 1 and 3 are open to anyone, I want to separate those who are taking these modules for personal growth from the practitioners who are attending to add a specialisation to their professional repertoire.

“Open to anyone” means you can invite clients, friends, partners and colleagues who are not professionals nor involved in SE, but who really want to work on safe embodiment, enhance their personal relationships, and increase awareness of all part of themselves. The workshops are all primarily experiential supporting participants to do satisfying personal work, but also to leave with numerous exercises directly applicable to clients coming to treatment to work on sexuality, relationships or sexual trauma.. Part 2 and 4, because they are designed specifically for practitioners working with clients, would not be appropriate for non-professionals.

Part 1 Uncovering the Roots of Sexuality Trauma—March 14-16, 2025

Part 2 The Essentials of Healing Sexual Trauma- July 18-20 ,2025

Many of you have taken this workshop online, or bought the program on my website (it was formerly called “Advanced Strategies of Healing Sexuality and Sexual Trauma”—if this is so I still highly recommend that you attend in person because there are many “live “ exercises I was unable to do on Zoom. But I will discount it dramatically. Those of you who took it “live” before COVID may take it again for a very small fee, or… I may be able to take a few of you on as an assistant. Priority will be given to those who work regularly and comfortably with sexuality or sexual trauma.

Part 3 The Energetics of Intimacy and Attachment October 17-19, 2025

Part 4 Advanced Strategies— online February 7-9, 2026

I have a colleague working on getting CEUs. I will let you know once these materialise.

Requirements for the FEP—the Full Embodiment Certificate

  • Graduates must attend all 4 modules

  • If you took part 2 online or in person we can discuss how you can get credit in a way that works best for you.

Participants will:

  • Develop an embodiment practice

  • Keep a shame and pleasure journal—plus encouragement to examine

    biases and beliefs

    your relationship to sexuality and intimacy (in the most titrated, gentle, at-your-own pace way with lots of choice)

  • Meet with peers in between modules to discuss cases, your personal practice and getting support.

  • Attend a total of 6 group consultations with me—can be spread out or arrange private if preferred. Small additional charge for these ($40). Priority in scheduling individual consultations with me. (my normal hourly fee is $160)

  • There will be required reading material

  • A suggestion, but not a requirement, to get personal sessions in areas that trigger you, so you can be more present with clients. These would not be with me, but with other qualified graduates.

Hope to see you there!

to see the details of each module, plus the fee structure, go above to “workshops” on top of page, scroll down and select “4 Part Series Registration”. Please fill out the application and the $100 deposit will assure you a spot in the module.